Linee guida e documenti di consenso

La LIO Lipedema Italia Onlus consiglia a tutti i pazienti di stampare le linee guida e documenti di consenso più recenti e sottoporli all’attenzione di tutti i medici e professionisti sanitari che intendono consultare per la patologia e non ne hanno preso visione.

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Linee Guida Olandesi

Linee Guida Olandesi 2014 della ORDE (Dutch Society for Dermatology and Venereology and the Dutch Academy of medical specialists – Versione per addetti ai lavori (in lingua inglese):


Linee Guida Olandesi 2014 – Versione per il paziente (in lingua inglese):
Colophon Lipede
ma directive, patient version, 2014© , Nederlandse Vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie (Dutch Society for Dermatology and Venereology or NVDV)
Revisione delle delle linee guida olandesi alla luce di ICF – 2016 (in lingua inglese):
First Dutch guidelines on lipedema using the international classification of functioning, disability and health

Linee guida tedesche

Linee guida tedesche 2015 (in lingua tedesca) e revisione 2017 (in lingua inglese):

S1-Leitlinie Lipödem AWMF Registernummer 037-012 ICD 10 R60.9 Ödem, nicht näher bezeichnet (2014)

S1 Guidelines Lipoedema (2017)

S2k Leitlinie Lipödem (2024) 

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Linee guida di buona pratica Regno Unito

Linee guida di buona pratica Regno Unito 2017 (in lingua inglese):


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Consensus Document on Lipedema 2018

Consensus Document on Lipedema 2018 (in lingua spagnola) con revisione di Settembre 2019 (in lingua spagnola e in lingua inglese):
Documento de consenso LIPEDEMA (versione 2019 inglese)

lip 2
Consensus document chirurgico dal Primo Congresso Internazionale sul Lipedema

Consensus document chirurgico dal Primo Congresso Internazionale sul Lipedema. Vienna, 2017

First International Congress on Lipedema in Vienna, Austria, June 9 to 10, 2017.

Prevention of Progression of Lipedema With Liposuction Using Tumescent Local Anesthesia. Results of an International Consensus Conference. (Dermatologic Surgery. 7/19)

Liposuction for the Treatment of Lipedema

A paradigm shift and consensus

Lipoedema: a paradigm shift and consensus

Lead authors: Tobias Bertsch, Gabriele Erbacher
Földi Clinic, Hinterzarten–European Center of Lymphology,
Author: Rebecca Elwell
University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, UK
Foreword written by: Hugo Partsch
Division of General Dermatology, Medical University of Vienna,
European Best Practice of Lipoedema.

Experts from seven different countries took part in the two European Lipoedema Forums, with the goal of establishing a consensus. The consensus reflects the experts’ shared view on the disease, having scrutinized the available literature, and having taken into account the many years of clinical practice with this particular patient group. Appropriate to the clinical complexity of lipoedema, participants from different specialties provided an interdisciplinary approach. Nearly all of the participants in the European Lipoedema Forum had already published work on lipoedema, had been involved in drawing up their national lipoedema guidelines, or were on the executive board of their respective specialty society.

Parts of the relevant findings of this consensus, emphasising the treatment of lipoedema, are summarized in this article. As the next step, the consensus paper “European Best Practice of Lipoedema” has been issued as an international publication by JWC.

Lipedema European Forum Members:
Tobias Bertsch, Gabriele Erbacher, D. Corda, R. J. Damstra, K. van Duinen, R. Elwell, J. van Esch-Smeenge, G. Faerber, S. Fetzer, J. Fink, A. Fleming, Y. Frambach, K. Gordon, D. Hardy, A. Hendrickx, T. Hirsch, B. Koet, P. Mallinger, A. Miller, C. Moffatt, N. Torio-Padron, C. Ure, S. Wagner, T. Zähringer.

Some lipedema forum members are now ILA founding members Members
The International Lipoedema Association (ILA) has been founded in 2021 by 60 renowned Healthcare Professionals from 22 countries worldwide to create the best possible treatment for our lipoedema patients by collaborating in an international, diverse, inclusive, and multidisciplinary team approach which is based on clinical evidence, long-standing experience, and a passion for improved therapy outcomes

Standard of care for lipedema in the United States

Phlebology. 2021 Dec; 36(10): 779–796.
Published online 2021 May 28. doi: 10.1177/02683555211015887
PMCID: PMC8652358 PMID: 34049453


Standard of care for lipedema in the United States

Standard of Care for Lipedema in the United States (SOC Lipedema US). 

April 19, 2019 – The first United States (US) Standard of Care meeting for lipedema was held on April 11-12, 2019 in Baltimore, Maryland in association with the Fat Disorders Resource Society 2019 conference. This effort was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health and National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI). This landmark meeting was a multidisciplinary collaborative effort with 21-US-based members with expertise in lipedema. This meeting was the first step towards the development of a national guideline for the diagnosis and management of lipedema. The Standard of Care USA were published in May 2021. 

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Lipedema – A Giving Smarter Guide by Erik Lontok. The Milken Institute’s Center for Strategic Philanthropy (CSP). Lipedema Foundation