Mental health concerns of Lipedema

Qual Life Res
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Quality of Life in Women With Lipoedema: A Contextual Behavioral Approach
Joanna E Dudek 1, Wojciech Białaszek 2, Paweł Ostaszewski 2
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PMID: 26216585 DOI: 10.1007/s11136-015-1080-x

Psychol Health Med
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Depression and Appearance-Related Distress in Functioning With Lipedema
Joanna E Dudek 1, Wojciech Białaszek 1, Paweł Ostaszewski 1, Tilly Smidt 2
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PMID: 29614880 DOI: 10.1080/13548506.2018.1459750

Review Eat Weight Disord
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The Effect of Lipedema on Health-Related Quality of Life and Psychological Status: A Narrative Review of the Literature
Nuha Alwardat 1 2, Laura Di Renzo 3, Mohammad Alwardat 4 5, Lorenzo Romano 6, Gemma Lou De Santis 6, Paola Gualtieri 3, Elena Carrano 6, Petronilla Nocerino 3, Antonino De Lorenzo 3
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PMID: 31062201 DOI: 10.1007/s40519-019-00703-x.

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Lipoedema in Patients After Bariatric Surgery: Report of Two Cases and Review of Literature
S Pouwels 1, S Huisman 1, H J M Smelt 2 3, M Said 2 3, J F Smulders 2 3
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PMID: 29372593 DOI: 10.1111/cob.12239

Pouwels S, Smelt H J, Said M, et al. (August 14, 2019) Mobility Problems and Weight Regain by Misdiagnosed Lipoedema After Bariatric Surgery: Illustrating the Medical and Legal Aspects. Cureus 11(8): e5388. doi:10.7759/cureus.5388

Body image dissatisfaction and depression in postbariatric patients is associated with less weight loss and a desire for body contouring surgery
Valerie M. Monpellier, M.D.
Evangelia E. Antoniou, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Sandra Mulkens, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Ignace M.C. Janssen, M.D
Aebele B. Mink van der Molen, M.D., Ph.D.
Anita T.M. Jansen, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Published:May 15, 2018DOI: