La dieta Chetogenica


a cura del Dott. Piero Labate, PhD, biologo nutrizionista

Il percorso formativo KETOLEARNING, articolato nei suoi molteplici moduli (ciascuno a sé stante, ma complementare agli altri), è un’occasione di approfondimento e aggiornamento continuo delle diverse indicazioni ed applicazioni dei vari protocolli chetogenici, con un taglio molto pratico e critico che consenta ai discenti di acquisire le necessarie competenze da applicare immediatamente nella propria pratica lavorativa. Nei moduli del percorso formativo si è parlato di lipedema nel Giugno 2018 con il Dr. Giulio Sirianni e la testimonianza di paziente di Valeria Giordano. 

Webinar del dottor Eric Westman e della dottoressa Leslyn Keith sull’applicazione della dieta chetogenica nelle patologie con disturbi del sistema linfatico

Ketogenic Way of Eating for Lymphatic Disorders – Dr. Eric Westman – LE&RN


Dr. Eric Westman presents, “The Science and Practice of Low Carb/High Fat/Ketogenic Way of Eating for Lymphatic Disorders.” Dr. Eric C. Westman is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Duke University, and Director of the Duke Lifestyle Medicine Clinic.

Diet and Lifestyle for Lymphatic Disorders: Implementing a Ketogenic Diet – dr. leslyn keith – LE&RN

Leslyn Keith, OTD, OTR/L, CLT-LANA, received a masters degree in occupational therapy from San Jose State University in 1998 and began studying lymphedema the same year. She was a graduate of Klose Norton Training & Consulting in 2000 and became LANA-certified in 2001. She has started four lymphedema therapy programs, two in private practice. Currently, she is the owner of Central Coast Lymphedema Therapy in San Luis Obispo, CA. She has lectured nationally on issues regarding lymphedema and private practice.


Keto for lipedema

Su questo sito è possibile scaricare le risorse del Keto for Lipedema Worldwide Summit 2017 del gruppo Lipedema Simplified, in cui vengono affrontati vari aspetti dell’impiego della dieta chetogenica nel trattamento del lipedema e che comprende informazioni sulla patologia e sulla dieta chetogenica

Presentazione: Lipedema & Keto WORLDWIDE Summit 2017

Lipedema & Keto WORLDWIDE Summit 2017 features over 40 experts: clinicians, researchers, scientists, discussing nutrition, low carb/high fat, ketogenic way of eating, obesity, and solutions.


Ketogenic way of eating – Leslyn Keith – fdrs 2017


Leslyn Keith discusses the ketogenic diet and why it works for patients with lymphedema, lymphatic disorders and lipedema. Hint: it probably has everything to do with inflammation. Leslyn Keith, OTD, CLT-LANA, has a Clinical Doctorate in Occupational Therapy with an emphasis on lymphedema and obesity. In addition to treating lymphedema and other lymphatic disorders, she currently researches, consults, and lectures on lymphedema, lipedema, and obesity nationally.

Lipedema & Keto | Leslyn Keith, OTD & Catherine Seo, PhD | Lipoedema UK Conference | 15 October 2017
A ketogenic way of eating has shown promising results for those with lipedema, reducing inflammation, weight, pain and swelling in many cases. Leslyn Keith, OTD and Catherine Seo, PhD present about this research and results from their groups. For more info:

The Ketogenic solution for Lymphatic Disorders. Lose Weight and dramatically reduce lympathic swelling by Leslyn Keith. 

Nel libro the Ketogenic Solution for Lymphatic Disorders, Leslyn Keith analizza i suoi studi su come la dieta chetogenica influisce sul sistema linfatico

In questo podcast Ketovangelist, Leslyn Keith parla della dieta chetogenica e delle differenze tra lipedema e linfedema.

Ketowoman podcast

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Mende Staggs. podcast con Daisy Brackenhall. The adventures of keto woman

Daisy’s latest extraordinary woman, Mende, chats about lipedema – how it has impacted her and how she now helps other women combat the disorder.

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Megan Pfeffer. Keto for lipedema. Podcast con Daisy Brackenhall. The adventures of keto woman

Daisy’s latest extraordinary woman, Megan, talks about her work as a clinical nutritionist and especially how she helps women with lipedema.
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Leslyn Keith. Why it’s so important to keep your lymphatic system healthy.

Daisy’s latest extraordinary woman, Dr Leslyn Keith, talks about her work and research on lymphedema and why Keto is the best way of eating to optimise lymphatic health.

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Catherine Seo. Lipedema awareness. Podcast con Daisy Brackenhall. The adventures of keto woman

Daisy’s latest extraordinary woman, Catherine, talks about her experience with lipedema as well as the fantastic work she does increasing awareness of the disease.
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Valeria Giordano. Part 1. Podcast con Daisy Brackenhall. The adventures of keto woman

Daisy’s latest extraordinary woman, Valeria, talks (in this first of a two part episode) about how she dealt with rapid substantial weight gain, bariatric surgery and a cancer and lipedema diagnosis. She also talks about how the current Covid-19 pandemic is impacting her where she lives in Rome, Italy
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Valeria Giordano. Part 2. Podcast con Daisy Brackenhall. The adventures of keto woman
Daisy’s latest extraordinary woman, Valeria, returns to talk more about how keto has helped with her lipedema and the charity she founded to help others. She also talks about how the current Covid-19 pandemic is impacting her where she lives in Rome, Italy
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Raeann Sparks. Part 1. Podcast con Daisy Brackenhall. The adventures of keto woman
Daisy’s latest extraordinary woman, Raeann, talks about how she has battled for years with lipedema which led to osteoarthritis and her in a wheelchair. You can find more information about this episode in the show notes at
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Raeann Sparks. Part 2. Podcast con Daisy Brackenhall. The adventures of keto woman
Daisy’s latest extraordinary woman, Raeann, talks about how she traded her wheelchair for a bicycle and is finally leaving lipedema behind in the dust!You can find more information about this episode in the show notes at

DIET DOCTOR. Low carb and keto made simple

A ketogenic diet for beginners

By Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, MD, medical review by Dr. Bret Scher, MD– Updated April 30, 2020  Evidence based